S. Morgan Street (II)
Renovation in progress!
About The Neighborhood
S. Morgan Street is a 2-unit rental apartment building in Chicago’s Auburn Gresham neighborhood. Like a number of South Side communities, Auburn Gresham can trace its history to the 1893 World’s Columbian Exhibition. The Exhibition prompted to construction of roads and streetcar lines which, in the wake of the event, inspired developers to market Auburn Gresham to families of downtown workers and employees of the nearby Union Stockyards and rail lines. S. Morgan Street, built in 1915, dates to this first period of major development in Auburn Gresham. During the 1920’s the neighborhood experienced its largest population growth, almost tripling during the decade. The majority of Auburn Gresham’s housing stock was built during this time, mainly composed of brick bungalows and two-flats. S. Morgan Street is an early example of the brick two-flat style that predominates in Auburn Gresham.